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Begroting lede beheer Komitee bel vir EU-wye beskerming vir #whistleblowers




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FluitjieblaserAn “effective and comprehensive European whistle-blower protection programme” should be proposed “immediately” by the EU Commission, urged the Budgetary Control Committee on Monday (9 January).

This programme should include whistle-blower protection mechanisms for companies, public bodies and non-profit organizations, says the committee. MEPS also advocate setting up an independent EU body, with offices in EU member states, to help internal and external whistle-blowers to use “the right channels to disclose their information on possible irregularities” affecting the EU’s financial interests.

Rapporteur Dennis de Jong (GUE/NGL, NL), whose report was approved unanimously with 21 votes, said “For the Committee on Budgetary Control, the role of whistle-blowers has been a matter of concern for many years - not only EU staff reporting irregularities, but also external whistle-blowers. Whereas the former are protected by EU staff regulations, the latter depend on the national legislation for their protection, if any at all”.

“The situation varies from member state to member state. Hence the need for a legislative instrument as well as an independent European institution protecting external whistle-blowers too”, he added.

A temporary whistle-blower desk in the European Parliament

Lede ook 'n beroep vir 'n spesiale eenheid in die Europese Parlement te word, met 'n toegewyde fasiliteite (dws hotlines, webwerwe, en kontakpunte) om inligting van fluitjieblasers wat verband hou met die finansiële belange van die Unie ontvang.

Hierdie eenheid sal ook raad en help fluitjieblasers te beskerm teen enige moontlike vergelding maatreëls, totdat die bogenoemde onafhanklike EU liggaam gevestig is. Hulle die EU Kommissie dring ook op te rig soortgelyke prosedures vir homself.


Volgende stappe

The full house will vote on the draft proposals in February.

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